Saturday, March 14, 2020

An Open Letter to Sabazius, with a Request

Dear Brother,


I seriously don't know how you've managed to do it, for so many years. Thank you for your service.

You are kind, and communicate it. You are calm, and keep your temper. You are honest, and express what people need to hear, in brief, without all the things I'd have to say about the subject at hand.

You leave room for people to do what they will, without judgment, while taking the leadership mantle necessary to guard the camp. Yet you never cease to hear the voices of the comrades. I don't know if you weigh and judge things in contemplation, or are just one of those born leaders who don't have to think about it to come to the right answers. I honestly have no clue how you do it.

Please consider composing a thing like The Thelemic Prince: A guide for Kings. A manual of philosophy, thoughtful governance, and leaving room for the principles of Thelema that you have guarded, carefully and thoughtfully since the crown was placed upon your brow.

You've done good. My experiences with the OTO were both awesome, and incredibly angering. I'm emotional. I don't understand your ability to deal with things so rationally and ... I don't have the words. You find the path forward, that protects the camp, guards the folk, confronts the fires, while maintaining the integrity of it all.

You're good at this thing.

Please consider writing a maintenance and operations manual for those who follow you.

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